- James O'Dowd
Leadership Trends for 2021: What Has COVID-19 Taught Us?
Read moreAs we enter a new year and reflect on how businesses have reacted to the COVID-19 crisis, we believe it important to consider how leadership specifically has adapted…
- James O'Dowd
Preparing disadvantaged students for the economy of tomorrow: what has COVID-19 taught us?
Read moreOver the summer months, we have been hard at work creating a digital platform that can help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with their careers education.
- James O'Dowd
It’s time we prepare our future workforce with the digital skills needed to meet employer demand
Read moreOver the summer months, we have been hard at work creating a digital platform that can help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with their careers education.
- James O'Dowd
School closures are hitting the most vulnerable children hardest
Read moreSince the coronavirus crisis hit home, and schools were forced to close, watching developments in the education sector has been…
Author archive for James O'Dowd
Patrick Morgan > Articles by: James O'Dowd